Sunday, November 3, 2013

Finding the truth

Assalamualaikum and good morning :)

For today post, I want to share my experience of having a curiosity when someone ignoring me. I do always asking many of whys whenever whom did that to me. Did I making you bored or something? Did I ignoring you first? Or because of my lack in eye contact with people and responses? In past, whenever I though of that questions, I conclude that he or she hates me then I felt very down for a moment and disappointing to him that cannot accept me as a friend or a best friend. That is in the past. After I've met Mr. Zul, he told me that I'm concluding an assumption before seeking for answers to the particular person. That's the right thing to do to avoid any disturbing emotions inside me. He said that I need to be brave finding the truth by asking instead of making bad assumption. Then, I must accept it by try to understand him. That's the solution. I do realized and I'm very grateful to Allah that showed me the way. The solution was very helpful to me. Right now, the curiosity loosen a lot in me whenever I remembered Mr. Zul's advices. Although actually I skip the asking part but it never made me feels any sad feelings. Why? Because I knew the reason why I've felt that. The curiosity led me want to know the answer. That's why. If I avoid to know, I've felt careless but I will do my best to let people accept me who I am really are. I believed that if I'm really that bad, they will tell me honestly. I will think for a moment and try to change although it takes time. With Allah in my side, there is nothing impossible for me.

That's all for today. See you again Ikmal! Sayonara! :)

P/s The whole post actually nothing to do with yesterday's event. That day was great! I've felt very happy hanging out with my best friend. I just thought to do it since I'm able to be more matured guy. That's all.

Monday, October 28, 2013

Almost reach!

Hello, and Assalamualaikum to all and myself :)

Supposed right now I'm bit disappointing to myself that made my friend furious with me but I'm not. Why? Because I'm almost reach to the peak of the story where the beginning of the resolvement will start any moment now, if I have the courage to ask my friend apologizes. If I don't have, this climax will take time to happen and the storyline will become poor. Not just the poor I'm worried but the book will be ignored or been thrown away. Not I'm saying that I'm lack of confidence but it actually gained me more to try. Since I've already learned and experienced that take responsible as soon as possible, it showed me how important to find the chances instead of waiting. If I wait, none of the results will ever happen. Seek more possibility and never afraid to try it. That's what I learned. Being a Degree Student, I've started to realize that I'm not only learn the academics nor the non. I've learn to socialize with others by understand the people around me. Actually I prefer it as a law to get along with your own friends and I learning it. I didn't realize till then it actually exist and the counselor is the lecturer. How grateful. Hopefully I do can seek the knowledge and develop my socializing skill. I think that's all for today. Hopefully also the story will be epic!

Sunday, October 13, 2013


8:12pm, Saturday, October 12, 2013

Dear me,
                I’m home since yesterday. This morning, I watched anime on television which is one of my favourite cartoon shows that is Naruto Shippudden. It was great because it was viewed on television more than 2 episodes around three hours as far as I could remember. The best part, I didn’t watch that episodes yet. While I was mushrooming in front of the television, something popped out through my thought to continue my skill in ACAD drawing while watching the commercials. I was bored actually whenever the commercials started. How could I? It was an ongoing show and I just sit there facing the television. Then, I reached my laptop to get started. The first thing that I thought to draw is the Mangekyou Sharingan. While I was busy imagined the steps to sketch, my mind was to focus on the laptop screen instead of the television. Although the television commercials were already over, I couldn’t straight my head up to the show just because the temptation to complete the drawing was more crucial. It’s pretty hard to draw instead the other one that is the third level of Sharingan. It taken me through the afternoon to finish it and I didn’t aware that the show was already over. But still, I’m satisfied that I have done the drawing and it was worth to leave the show aside. I don’t mind to not to watch because I can watch it later on streaming videos by the Naruto fan site on the Internet.  After I’ve done my drawing that is around 3 o’clock in the evening, I’ve just remembered that the latest episode of The Legend Of Korra was released today on the internet! The show is one of my listed favourite cartoon shows instead of Naruto Shippudden. Although it is one of my likings, the previous episode of the show bumped me. From the point when Korra started to have issue with her water tribe, I though she will meet the previous avatar before her especially Aang to discuss the problem but she didn’t. She too rash and without tolerate with others view which not the previous avatar, she did what she want to do by herself. Poor Mako, He tried to be a good listener and also give a good advises to her but whenever he told her something, she condemned and then frustrated that her boyfriend never ever tried to support her. I’m asking myself, what’s wrong with Korra? She’s very unmatured although this is the second problem that she faced after solving the tie between non-benders and benders. To be honest, I was very disappointed with her action and also that episode. Still, it didn’t affect me to hate the show. The latest one was great! It was like watching The Legend Of Aang all over again. How Asami wants her company to survive from drowning of not having much profit when the shipwrecked happen that sinked her products down the ocean. How Mako worked so hard to find the criminal and yet he found him but he still unable to say it out loud because of his ex-girlfriend problem was made and solved by him. Then lastly, Korra that have been ambushed by her own cousins and been attacked by the evil spirit suddenly lied on a beach in Amber Island I think having amnesia. The episode was really great and I’m really looking forward to watch the next upcoming episode. 

Dear me,
               I’ve been home since yesterday. This morning, I watched the Anime on television which is one of my favourite cartoon shows that is Naruto Shippudden. It was great because it was viewed on television more than 2 episodes around three hours as far as I could remember. The best part, I haven’t watched that episode yet. While I was mushrooming in front of the television, something popped out through my thought to continue my skill in ACAD drawing while watching the commercials. I was bored actually whenever the commercials started. How could I? It was an ongoing show and I just sit there facing the television. Then, I reached my laptop to get started. The first thing that I thought to draw is the Mangekyou Sharingan. While I was busy imagined the steps to sketch, my mind was to focus on the laptop screen instead of the television. Although the television commercials were already over, I couldn’t straight my head up to the show just because the temptation to complete the drawing was more crucial.It’s pretty hard to draw instead the other one that is the third level of Sharingan. It's taken me through the afternoon to finish it and I didn’t aware that the show was already over. But still, I’m satisfied that I have done the drawing and it was worth to leave the show aside. I don’t mind to not to watch because I can watch it later on streaming video from the Naruto fan site on the Internet. After I’ve done my drawing that is around 3 o’clock in the evening, I’ve just remembered that the latest episode of The Legend Of Korra was released today on the internet! The show is one of my listed favourite cartoon shows instead of Naruto Shippudden. Although it is one of my likings, the previous episode of the show bumped me. From the point when Korra started to have issue with her water tribe, I though she will meet the previous avatar before her especially Aang to discuss the problem but she didn’t. She too rash and without tolerates with others view which not the previous avatar, she did what she wants to do by herself. Poor Mako, He tried to be a good listener and also give a good advises in her but whenever he told her something, she condemned and then frustrated that her boyfriend never ever tried to support her. I’m asking myself, what’s wrong with Korra? She’s very immature although this is the second problem that she faced after solving the tie between non-benders and benders. To be honest, I was very disappointed with her action and also that episode. Still, it didn’t affect me to hate the show. The latest one was great! It was like watching The Legend Of Aang all over again. How Asami wants her company to survive from drowning by not having much profit when the shipwrecked happen that sinked her products down the ocean. How Mako worked so hard to find the criminal and yet he found him but he still unable to say it out loud because of his ex-girlfriend problem was made and solved by him. Then lastly, Korra that have been ambushed by her own cousins and being attacked by the evil spirit suddenly lay on a beach in Amber Island I think having amnesia. The episode was really great and I’m really looking forward to watch the next upcoming episode.

Saturday, September 14, 2013

A whole new world!

Assalamualaikum, alhamdulillah dengan limpah kurniaNYA aku dianugerahkan rezeki daripada Allah S.W.T untuk melanjutkan pelajaran di UTMKL. Tambahan pula, aku mendapat roommate yang awesome! xD 

Aku teringat lagi masa pertama kali lawat masjid kat utm, aku sujud syukur sebab baru sedar sebab hampir segala peribadi roommate aku adalah apa aku inginkan dalam doaku.. Ya ALLAH sungguh KAU amat menyanyangi hambaMU walaupun iman tidak teguh mana tapi kau tetap makbulkan doa aku (nangis ni...haha). IT'S LIKE A MIRACLE... jarang aku dapat. haha.. Tambahan pula, KAU mudahkan dia menerima aku sebagai teman bual dan studymate yang baik.. haha.. terima kasih ya Allah sebab KAU perkenankan doa aku. Aku akan cuba sedaya upaya untuk berubah dan lebih mendekatiMU. 

Waktu aku kat masjid tu, aku nangis sebab terlampau gembira dapat nikmat macam ni. Bukan sebab roommate je, ada dorm yang selesa, kawan2 yang tidak putus asa dengan aku, kelas dan macam2 la! Lebih2 lagi dapat masuk utm! Masa tu memang aku yakin Allah sentiasa melihat perbuatan aku. Segala baik buruk aku semua DIA tengok. Aku harap apa yang aku buat lepas ni akan menuruti perintahNYA dan tidak langgar laranganNYA. 

Selain itu, apa yang aku harap jugak aku tak akan jadi diri aku dulu kat matrik, aku cuba sedikit demi sedikit untuk berubah dan bergaul dengan sahabat2 aku, cukuplah lari daripada masalah lagi and being selfish. Aku akan lebihkan usaha untuk membaiki diri dan belajar bersungguh-sungguh. Semoga 4 tahun kat UTM ni, segalanya berjalan dengan lancar dan mendapat support daripada kawan2 aku kat sini. 

ok tu je la kot, (usap air mata..) haha.. 

hari ini aku kat rumah, cuti 3 hari sempena hari malaysia isnin ni, dan ya BOSAN. Lepas ber-fb, main scrollling je, lps tu tiba2 tersedar aku ada kerja perlu disiap.. bukan la assignment penting pon tapi banyak bagi manfaat iaitu belajar bi! Aku try buat jurnal menepati grammar yang betul, tapi entah la betul ke tidak ?? macam kat bwh ni

Dear me, i have my own ambition that to renovate my room into better one but i do always forgotten it because of my current lifestyle. I have nice place in KSJ and awesome roommate that made my old ambition is only a dream. I hope that the dream never fade so i can work it out to become reality although it's not that important but i'm dying to see changes in my room.

Mesti ada salah kan? haha.. semestinya ada.. TETIBA.. idea secara tidak sengaja nak muncul untuk cari sentence checker kat internet. Ada rupanya! ni link dia:

Dan hasilnya : Dear me, I have my own ambition that to renovate my room into better one but I do always forget it because of my current lifestyle. I have a nice place in KSJ and awesome roommate that made my old ambition is only a dream. I hope that the dream never fades so I can work it out to become reality although it's not that important but I'm dying to see changes in my room.

Canggih betul internet sampai app macam ni pon ada gak, harap2 lepas ni, aku ada kemajuan dalam bahasa inggeris ni, nanti kena belajar bahasa jepun plak...harap dua2 bahasa ni aku dapat kuasai.. INSYAALLAH, ameeeennn.....

Monday, July 29, 2013



Sedih again..

Assalamualaikum.. sedangkan aku mahu anjakan paradigma pasti perasaan ini hadir ke atas jiwaku.. Mengapa?

Salah satu alasan adalah aku mempunyai pendorong yang ingin aku buktikan pada mereka ataupun mahu mendapat perhatian. Salah seorangnya sahabat dan seorang lagi merupakan orang yang aku mendamba cintaku. Kenapa aku mengatakan mereka ini pendorong? Pendorong maksudku adalah mereka ini mampu buang sifat malasku untuk beribadah kepada Allah SWT. Tambahan pula, maniskan imanku.

Bukan itu sahaja, sifatku yang suka menangguh masa dan memberi alasan untuk buat nanti sebab ada hal lain yang perlu dilaksanakan (tidak penting pun) dapat diketepikan dan fokus terhadap ibadah kepadaNYA yang jauh lebih penting daripada kerja lain. Kalau sesaat aku fikirkan malas, pasti dalam kepalaku menanya, apa kata mereka kalau mereka tengok aku? Sesaat seterusnya pasti hatiku terus mahu beribadah kepadaNYA.

Mungkin ada perasaan seketika mengatakan tidak ikhlas sewaktu menjalankan ibadah itu, tetapi apakah daya? Aku manusia yang lemah dan juga dikatakan PALING malas. Sedangkan LIPAS dibilikku aku tidak peduli. Mungkin kalau sekiranya tindakan itu betul, aku bersyukur kepada Allah kerana menghadirkan mereka pada diriku. Mungkin itu tanda-tanda untuk aku terima hidayah padaNYA suatu hari nanti dan mereka merupakan tangga untuk kecapinya. Tetapi apakah yang membuat aku timbul dilemma itu?

Aku sedih kerana aku RINDU. Aku mula merindui mereka sekiranya mereka jauh dari pemerhatianku. "JAUH DIMATA DEKAT DIHATI". Senanglah cakap, nak dekat dihati ada juga impaknya. Kalau dah rindu pasti ada perasaan sedih. Kalau hatiku lebih kotor daripada hati sekarang. TERMENUNG je la.. tambahan lagi malas ingin beribadah. Walaupun begitu, bukannya aku tiada jalan penyelesaian, seperti mana yang aku coret bahagian atas, sekali lagi aku mengatakan aku mahu anjakan paradigma.. Mungkin sahabatku telah aku milki namun tidak bermakna dia tidakakan tinggalkan aku. Suatu hari nanti pasti jua. Apa yang aku buat? Aku berdoa. Walaupun tidak kerap aku tetap berdoa yang sama iaitu kesihatannya, kejayaannya, dan menerima kelemahan aku. Insan kedua, walaupun dia tahu aku cintainya namun tidak bermakna dia akan tunggu aku melamarnya suatu hari nanti. Pastinya dia akan meminati seseorang. CEMBURU! JANGANLAH BERLAKU! Apa yang aku buat? Berdoa, berdoa, dan berdoa.

Bukanlah aku mengatakan diriku pengecut, aku merasa belum layak lagi untuknya.Tambahan pula, malu dan segan untuk bertegur. Apa yang aku mohon tiada lelaki lain cuba melamarnya dan ketemukan jodohku itu ke alam suami-isteri. INSYAALLAH! AMIN!

Itulah yang mendorong aku untuk sentiasa beribadah dan insyaallah suatu hari nanti aku mampu berdikari untuk menegakkan agama Allah dengan hati yang tulus dan ikhlas. Semoga hidayah yang aku bakal terima umpama jaraknya lagi kurang daripada seinchi. AMIN! AMIN! AMIN! ALLAHUAKHBAR!!!!!!!!